STIPEND R7 043.00 per month for graduates.
Minimum NQF level 6 qualification in either National Diploma/Degree: IT; Communications Networks; Desktop Support; Computer Science Or other relevant & equivalent IT related qualification.
Providing ICT related first-line support (desktops/computers, printer support & LAN connectivity) and serving as a contact point for IT related issues for the users. Provide call management on Information. Technology Service Management System (ITSM). Applying technical standards/procedures, end user support procedures, operating systems, Active Directory, backup technologies and processes. Manage, monitor network connectivity, servers, network security and performance. Log and troubleshoot all ICT related issues and resolution.
Liaise with internal & external including third parties towards resolution of technical issues. Ensure computer security and anti-virus updates. Control and approve access to server rooms. Monitor servers, racks and cooling systems. Provide administrative support to all ICT related issues. Keep inventory of hardware and maintenance
records. Ensure all software are properly licensed. Valid driver’s license would be an added advantage as maybe required to travel to provide ICT support to other district offices or institutions.
ENQ. R. SWARTBOOI – 043 492 0949 – HEAD OFFICE (Qonce)
e- Recruitment Technical Enquiries – recruitment@ecsrac.gov.za
APPLICATION: Write, Email or Post.
Directorate – ICT OPERATIONS
STIPEND: R7 043.00 per month for graduates.
Minimum NQF level 6 qualification in either. National Diploma/Degree: IT; Business Applications; Software Development; Technical Programming. Mathematical Statistics, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, or other relevant & equivalent IT related qualifications. Relevant data scientist/analysis Certificates would be advantageous like: Big Data; Data Analysis & Modelling (Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, seaborn, SciPy); Machine learning and Deep Learning (Sklearn, TensorFlow, Keras, Pytorch); Data visualization (Power BI, Tableau); Coding/IDEs (Python, Jupyter, Spyder, Pycharm, R programming). A valid driving licence as added advantage.
Providing functional and technical support for departmental systems. Proving technical/functional. Application support for the various designated applications/systems including the Departmental Intranet & Website.
Proving help-desk support services for the all users and handling help-desk escalations. Understand designated applications/systems business functionality; and use technical and analytical expertise to locate and resolve applications/systems related problems. Provide system related advisory service to departmental users and helpdesk services. Providing training for users for designated systems. Provide data analytic/analysis related services.
Work closely with business to identify issues and use data to propose solutions for effective decision making Build algorithms and design experiments to merge, manage, interrogate, and extract data to supply tailored reports to colleagues, customers, or the wider organisation. Use machine learning tools and statistical techniques to produce solutions to problems and dashboards for internal stakeholders. Test data mining models to select the most appropriate ones for use on identified projects or business units. Maintain clear and coherent communication, both verbal and written, to understand data needs and report results. Assess the effectiveness of data sources and data-gathering techniques and improve data collection methods. Build predictive models and machine-learning algorithms for the various business units. Work with stakeholders throughout the organization to identify opportunities for leveraging company data to drive business solutions.
ENQ. R. SWARTBOOI – 043 492 0949 – HEAD OFFICE (Qonce)
e- Recruitment Technical Enquiries – recruitment@ecsrac.gov.za
Applications must be submitted on a duly completed New Z83 form obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at www.dpsa.gov.za/documents. Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a fully completed signed Z83 form and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents to HR on or before the day of the interview. Applicants must note that further Personnel Suitability checks will be conducted on short-listed candidates and that their appointment is subject to the outcome of these checks which include security clearance, security vetting, qualification verification and criminal record checks. Reference checks will be done on nominated candidate(s). Note that correspondence will only be conducted with the short-listed candidates. If you have not been contacted by the Department within three (3) months of the closing date of the advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. We thank all applicants for their interest. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply for these posts.
Applicants are encouraged to use e-recruitment system which is available on Https://Erecruitment.Ecotp.Gov.Za.
e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries. recruitment@ecsrac.gov.za
Applications received after closing date will not be considered. No faxed applications will be accepted.
Application instructions:
The system closes at 23:59 on the closing date; however, the technical support is limited to working hours: (08:00-16:30 Monday -Thursday and 08:00-16:00 on Friday)
NOTE: Applicant must register on the E-recruitment system, complete and submit required information and apply for position as advertised following the following link http://www.ecprov.gov.za. Please note that copies submitted need not to be certified. Communication regarding the requirements for certified documents will be limited to shortlisted candidates.
CLOSING DATE: 07 JULY 2023 – 15H30
NB: Forward applications to the relevant centre and all applications should be accompanied by the new Z83 form which can be downloaded from the DPSA website.
Should an individual wish to apply for a post on or after 01 January 2021, she / he will be required to submit the new application for employment form which can be downloaded on www.dpsa.gov.za – vacancies. From 1 January 2021should an application be received using the incorrect application for employment (Z83) it will be not considered. Kindly note the Z83 form should be completed in full to avoid elimination.
People with disabilities who meet the requirements will be given preference
Head Office Enquiries (QONCE) – Mr. Y. Dlamkile Tel: 043 492 1386 or Mrs. R. E. Swartbooi Tel:
043 492 0949
Post to: The Senior Manager: HRM, Department of Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture, Private Bag
X0020, Bisho, 5605
Hand deliver to: No. 5 Eales Street, Wilton Zimasile Mkwayi Building, Qonce, 5605
Buffalo City Metro District Enquiries (EL) Ms. L. Xoseka Tel: 043 492 2140
Post to: The Senior Manager, Department of Sport, Recreation Arts and Culture, Private Bag X9030,
East London 5200 OR
Hand deliver to: No 16 Commissioner Street, Old Elco Building, East London, 5201
Amathole District: Enquiries (EL) Mr. B. Mbangatha Tel: 043 492 1838
Post to: The Senior Manager, Department of Sport, Recreation Arts and Culture, Private Bag X9030,
East London 5200 OR
Hand deliver to: No 16 Commissioner Street, Old Elco Building, East London, 5201
Chris Hani District: Enquiries (Komani) Mr. X. Kwanini Tel: 045 492 0030 / 0054
Post to: The Senior Manager, Department of Sport, Recreation Arts and Culture, Private Bag X7190,
Komani, 5320 OR
Hand deliver to: Bathandwa Ndondo Office Park, Komani Hospital Office Complex, Komani, 5320
Sarah Baartman District: Enquiries (Makanda) Attention Ms. N. Qumza 046 492 0227 / Mr. M.
Hoboshe: 046 492 0225
Post to: The Senior Manager: Department of Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture, Private Bag X1003,
Makana, 6140 OR
Hand deliver to: Registry, 1st floor, Corner African and Milner Street, Makana.
Albany Museum: Enquiries: Mr. M Vabaza – 046 622 2312, 40 Somerset Street, Makanda, 6139
Alfred Nzo District: Enquiries (Mount Ayliff) Attention Mr Gugwana: 039 492 0297 / 072 027 0022
Post to: The Senior Manager: Department of Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture, Private Bag X531,
Mt Ayliff, 5100 OR
Hand deliver to: No 67 Church Street Mt Ayliff
OR Tambo District: Enquiries (Mthatha) Attention Mr. S. Stuma Tel: 047 495 0853 / 073 322 9654
Post to: The Senior Manager, Department of Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture, Private Bag X5003,
Mthatha, 5100 OR
Hand deliver to Human Resource Management, 6th Floor, Botha Sgcau Building, corner Leeds and
Owen Street, Umtata.
Nelson Mandela District: Enquiries (Gqeberha) Attention Mr Javu: 041 492 1231 / 1230
Post to: The Senior Manager: Department of Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture, Private Bag X6003,
Gqeberha 6003 OR
Hand deliver to: 2nd Floor- 66 Corporate Place, Ring Road, Greenacres, Newton Park, Gqeberha
Joe Gqabi District: Attention Ms. M. Lekhula: 051 492 4772
Post to: The Senior Manager: Department of Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture, Private Bag X1010,
Aliwal North, 9750, OR
Hand deliver to: No. 02 Cole Street, Maletswai