SALARY : R171 537 – R199 461 per annum (Level 04)
CENTRE : Chris Hani: Ngcobo LSO
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate / Equivalent qualification. Computer literacy. No
experience required. Competencies: Communication skills (verbal and written),
Interpersonal relations. Basic knowledge and understanding of the legislative framework governing the Public Service. Basic knowledge of work procedures in terms of the working environment. Telephone etiquette.
DUTIES : Receive telephonic calls, messages and channel to relevant role players.
Welcome, receive and direct clients to relevant units. Provide relevant information as required. Operate office equipment such as photocopy
machines. Liaise with internal and external stakeholders. Maintain telephone directory. Maintain and control visitor register at reception.
ENQUIRIES : Chris Hani may be directed to Ms Mzinjana Tel No: (045) 8083709
For e-Recruitment Enquiries, eMail to: Zukisa.Moyeni@ecdsd.gov.za
APPLICATIONS : Submit applications via one of the following options: For Provincial Office: KWT:
Hand Deliver at: Albertina Sisulu Building, No 7 Beatrice Street (behind KFCAlexandra Road), King William’s Town, for the attention of Ms. A Njaba or post to the Director: HRA: Social Development, Private Bag X0039, Bhisho, 5605.
Applications for districts are to be sent to the following:
Alfred Nzo: The District Director, Department of Social Development, Private Bag X 401, Mount Ayliff, 4735 or hand deliver at Room 7 Mt Ayliff Counseling Centre, Garane Street for the attention of Mr S Shweni. Enquiries may be directed to Mr S Shweni Tel No: (039) – 254 0900
Amathole: The District Director, Department of Social Development, Private Bag X9066, East London, 5200, or hand delivered at Absa Building, No. 85 Oxford Street, East London for the attention of Ms Z. Habe. Enquiries may be directed to Ms Z. Habe Tel No: (043) 711 6626
Buffalo City Metro: The District Director, Department of Social Development,
Private Bag X9066, East London 5200, or hand deliver at Ideal Home Building, No 172 Oxford Street, East London, for the attention of Ms P. Kula
Enquiries may be directed to Ms P. Kula Tel No: (043) 705-5675.
Chris Hani: The District Director, Department of Social Development, Private Bag X7191, Queenstown 5320 or hand deliver at Pandarosa Building, 54 Ebden Street, Queenstown, for the attention of Ms N Mzinjana. Enquiries may
be directed to Ms Mzinjana Tel No: (045) 808 3709
Joe Gqabi: The District Director, Department of Social Development and Special Programmes, Private Bag X 1002, Aliwal North or hand delivered at Aliwal North Spar Hotel, Dan-Pienaar Street, Aliwal North Enquiries may be directed to Ms N. Duba Tel No: (051) 633-1616 OR Ms P Tsuputse Tel No: (051) 633-1609.
Nelson Mandela Metro: The District Director, Department of Social Development, Private bag X 3906 North End 5056 or hand delivered at Room
208, Ibhayi Bulding, Straundale Road Enquiries may be directed to Ms L. Thompson Tel No: (041) 406-5750
Sarah Baartman: The District Director, Department of Social Development, Private Bag X 1008, Grahamstown, 6139, or hand delivered at Room 11, 2nd floor, Corner African and Hill Street, Old SABC Building, Grahamstown
Enquiries may be directed to Mr M Sipambo Tel No: (046) 636-1484
OR Tambo: Department of Social Development Private Bag X6000 Mthatha 5099 or hand delivered to office number 10-126 10th floor Botha Sigcawu
Building, Corner Leeds and Owen Street, Mthatha, 5099 for attention of Mrs Z Dlanjwa Tel No: (047) 531 2504
The e-recruitment system which is available on
https://erecruitment.ecotp.gov.za. The e Recruitment System Closes at 23: 59
on the closing date. To report technical glitches, for assistance regarding the system, and/or for activation of your profile, send an email with your ID Number, your profile email address, details of the issue to: zukisa.moyeni@ecdsd.gov.za (NB: For Technical Glitches Only – No CVs).
Technical support is limited to working hours: (08:0016:30 Mon-Thursday and 08:00-16:00 on Fri). Should you submit your applications/CVs to:
zukisa.moyeni@ecdsd.gov.za and not as specified: your application will be regarded as lost and will not be considered.
CLOSING DATE : 04 August 2023