The Department of Home Affairs is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. It is our intention to promote representivity (race, gender, disability) through the filling of these positions. Reasonable accommodation shall be applied for People with Disabilities including where a driver’s license is a requirement.
Applications must be –
sent to the correct address specified at the bottom of the last position, on or before the closing date;
submitted on the New Application for Employment Form (Z.83), obtainable at www.gov.za; Applicants must fully
complete part A,B,C,D,& F of the New Z83 application form.
accompanied by a comprehensive CV, citing the start and end date (dd/mm/yr) of each employment period to be considered, including the details of at least two contactable employment references (as recent as possible);
shortlisted candidates will be required to submit a copy of their ID document, a valid driver’s license), as well as the relevant highest educational qualifications, on or before the day of the interview. Applicants who possess (a) foreign
qualification(s), must also submit the evaluated results of such qualifications, as received from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA); and
SALARY LEVEL : A basic salary of R241 485 to R281 559 per annum (Level 6).
CENTRE : Eastern Cape: PSP: Maclear (1 Post)
REF NO : HRMC 37/23/9a
CENTRE : Eastern Cape: Medium Office: Mt Fletcher (1 Post)
REF NO : HRMC 37/23/9b
CENTRE : Eastern Cape: Medium Office: Libode (2 Posts)
REF NO : HRMC 37/23/9c
CENTRE : Eastern Cape: Large Office: Mthatha (1 Post)
REF NO : HRMC 37/23/9d
CENTRE : Eastern Cape: Medium Office: Tabankulu (1 Post)
REF NO : HRMC 37/23/9e
CENTRE : Gauteng: Medium Office: Garankuwa (1 Post)
REF NO : HRMC 37/23/9f
CENTRE : KwaZulu-Natal: Medium Office: Nongoma (1 Post)
REF NO : HRMC 37/23/9g
CENTRE : KwaZulu-Natal: Medium Office: Ngotshane (Pongola) (1 Post)
REF NO : HRMC 37/23/9h
CENTRE : KwaZulu-Natal: Large Office: Umgungundlovu (1 Post)
REF NO : HRMC 37/23/9i
CENTRE : KwaZulu-Natal: Large Office: Umzimkhulu (1 Post)
REF NO : HRMC 37/23/9j
CENTRE : KwaZulu-Natal: Medium Office: Tongaat (1 Post)
REF NO : HRMC 37/23/9k
CENTRE : KwaZulu-Natal: Large Office: Zululand (2 Posts)
REF NO : HRMC 37/23/9L
CENTRE : Mpumalanga: Large Office: Emerlo (1 Post)
REF NO : HRMC 37/23/9m
CENTRE : Mpumalanga: Medium Office: Matsulu (Malelane) (1 Post)
REF NO : HRMC 37/23/9n
CENTRE : Northern Cape: Medium Office: Calvinia (1 Post)
REF NO : HRMC 37/23/9o
CENTRE : Northern Cape: Medium Office: Colesburg (1 Post)
REF NO : HRMC 37/23/9p
CENTRE : North West: Medium Office: Vryburg (1 Post)
REF NO : HRMC 37/23/9q
CENTRE : Western Cape: PSP: Atlantis (1 Post)
REF NO : HRMC 37/23/9r
REQUIREMENTS : • An undergraduate qualification in Public Management / Administration / Social Sciences at NQF level 6, and / or DHA Qualification: Home Affairs Services at NQF level 5 all recognised by SAQA • Basic understanding of Civic Service operations • Sound knowledge of the Batho Pele Principles • Competencies and skills required: Computer literacy • Planning and organizing • Problem solving • Written and verbal communication skills • Financial administration • Sound interpersonal relations • Attention to detail • Teamwork • Client
orientation and customer focus • Record and time management.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible for, amongst others, the following specific tasks: • Process Civic Services applications and issuing of documents in line with procedures and to provide administrative support in the office • Attend to enquiries and perform online verification • Greet customers and ensure that they receive a professional warm and friendly welcome • Operate the live capture photo booth in the office • Verify, validate and capture client information on system, fingerprints, scan client supporting documents on line • Examiner processed fingerprints and evaluate their validity for entry into the automated fingerprint identification system • Receive, scan and file smartcards upon receipt at the office • Process collections of ID smart cards to clients • Process application of Identity Document, Registration of Births, Marriages and Deaths, Late Registration, Rectification and Amendment of particulars and issuing citizenship documents.
ENQUIRIES : Eastern Cape: Mr S Mapukata, Tel No: (043) 604 6418
Gauteng: Mr P Mlangeni, Tel No: (011) 242 9039
KwaZulu-Natal: Ms N Tshezi, Tel No: (033) 845 5003
Mpumalanga: Ms N Dlangisa, Tel No: (013) 752 2504
Northern Cape: Ms S Botha, Tel No: (053) 807 6700
North West: Mr L Appels, Tel No: (018) 397 9900
Western Cape: Mr M Pienaar, Tel (021) 488 1409
APPLICATIONS : Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your comprehensive CV, citing the start and end date (dd/mm/yr) of each employment period to be considered, together with an Application for Employment Form (New Z.83), obtainable from any Public Service department
or at www.gov.za, by the closing date to: Direct applications to the Department of Home Affairs Office as follows:-
Eastern Cape:
Postal Address: Private Bag 7413, King Williams Town, 5600
Physical address: 11 Hargreaves Avenue, King William’s Town, 5600
Postal Address: Private Bag X108, Braamfontein, 2017,
Physical Address: 3rd Floor, Mineralia Building, Cnr De Beer and De Korte Street,
Braamfontein, 2017
Postal Address: Bag X 09, Pietermaritzburg 3209
Physical address: 181 Church Street, Pietermaritzburg 3209
Postal Address: Private Bag X 9517, Polokwane, 0700
Physical Address: 89 Biccard Street, Polokwane, 0699
Postal Address: Private Bag X11264, Nelspruit, 1200,
Physical Address: 29 Bester Street, Nelspruit, 1200
Northern Cape:
Postal Address: Private Bag X 6073, Kimberley 8300
Physical Address: Quantum Leap Building, 69 Du Toitspan Road, Kimberley, 8300
North West:
Postal Address: Private Bag X 119, Mmabatho, 2735,
Physical Address: Cnr Sheppard and Carrington Street, Mafikeng, 2745
Western Cape:
Postal Address: Private Bag X 9103, Cape Town, 8000
Physical Address: 4th Floor FairCape Building, 56 Barrack Street, Cape Town, 8000